Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh, Sadness!

In my quest for finding all things that are things and capturing them once again, I have decided to include a series on all manner of things which make me sad.  Some will, of course, be tongue in cheek.  Some will be things that strike a genuinely sad chord in my heart, and some, I will post to just make you wonder.

So to begin, we have:

The corner of SE Ladd, and Hawthorne, at 12th Avenue.  It is an angled street that goes into an intersection of two other streets.  This particular intersection makes me sad, because I will have just come from taking the scenic route through Ladd's Addition.  Suddenly, I am stuck at this light that will not change.  SE 12th gets two rotations before we suckers from Ladd's get a nod, and finally get to mosey on down SE 12th Avenue.

I have issues with this building.  I don't understand why they chose those colours, and frankly, it makes me feel uncomfortable when I pass it, most days of the world.

I really wish they would do something about it.

Trees, you are being indecent.  Nobody wants to see that.  Put some clothes on!!!

As someone who does ride fairly often, and as someone who has a spouse who commutes by bike in the summer time?  This gives me pause, and the need to say:  "But for the grace of god, go I."
Moss on the sidewalk!  On one hell of a steep hill!!!  Mother nature, sometimes I think you are just a bitch who is being bitchy.

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