Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bridge Porn on the road: Lyons Ferry Trestle

Heya, Lyons Ferry Trestle, you're lookin' pretty hot.  Wanna wrestle? 

...yeah, couldn't resist.  We traveled from Athena, to Spokane today.  We did this mostly on backroads.  I will admit to being kind of annoyed for two reasons: One, I forgot my favourite sunglasses on the bench in the park, where we had a little pit stop.  I was so inspired by the surrounding area, that I had to break out my camera, and well?  Yeah, sometimes things get forgotten.  What's most annoying about this, is that I have a large drawer full of sunglasses, but for this trip, I decided to just bring one pair.  So... I either shop, or I go without, for the remainder of the trip. 

I guess this means, I'll have to shop.


The other annoying thing?  I forgot to charge my camera battery, so not only did I have to be very selective, I only got about 5 minutes of time to shoot, because I knew there was another spot I needed shots of.  It was also hot as fuck out there today, and my little family was pretty patient through it all... but I knew it was time to go, because the dog was showing signs of fatigue. 

One cool thing that did happen while I was shooting this trestle: as I walked up the road for a couple quick perspective shots, I heard a faint rattle off in the distance.  I knew what that was.  This, being just over the Snake River?  Pretty damn apt.

Well, without further adieu, let's get to the porn, shall we?

We had to stop a LOT on this trip.  This was actually a tributary of the Snake, near Lyons Ferry, where the park and rest area happened to be.  Sadly, my sunglasses stayed here, as well.

So beautiful.  I have a thing for this place.

Just about here, I heard a rattlesnake.  It was sort of down the hill from me, and not exactly a threat.  I had heavy boots on, too.  Yes, as tempting as it was to climb all over this thing, and really explore it, I knew better than to leave the road.

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