Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mr. Hed's 40th Birthday party, at the ranch!

 There was quite a party thrown for Mr. Hed, this past weekend.  I broke out the camera at one point, but didn't get as many shots as I would have liked.  There was quite an epic fire, and fun, had by all, though.  I was pretty hopped up on antihistamines, truth be told, but when have I not broken out the camera?  It had to happen.

Whomever decided to break out the stick horses, was winning.

Mr. Hed was pretty drunken, here. 

The beautiful Isis.

Isis and Shelly played together.  This was something I had never seen Shelly do, with another dog.  They were quickly buddies, and played well together, all weekend!

Elizabeth's fire-lit profile.