Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy: Cute kids, and Valentine's Day.

I had therapy group last night, so we didn't celebrate VD on VD.  I came home to find this enormous bouquet of flowers.  That was pretty nice.
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Yours truly, with Mini-Me.

She would not hold still, and then she decided to rag doll it up.

OK, truth be told, I was disappointed here, because there was some hilarious grafitti, involving The Tickle Monster, which is apparently taking over Portland, or at least, for whatever reason, all of the beige electrical boxes attached to telephone poles.
2007 had the "Now Is All You Have" stickers.  
Apparently, 2013 is The Tickle Monster's time to shine.

Still... we missed it in this instance.  I drove past this wall a little after noon today, and it was still there.   
By 4 PM, it had been painted over. 

Ah, well, we still got some fun little shots.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy: Cultural Anthropology, and balls.

I don't get it.  These houses?  Why build like that?  I think my bedroom closet is probably larger than the single room, upstairs.  I peered into a window, because they are empty, and there is a water heater in the corner of the only room, downstairs.  I could not tell if it had a kitchen or bathroom, but it must have, hence the water heater.  It is not a small thing.  You would need to plan the room around it.  I think I would turn it into an altar, of some sort.  It needs to be a shrine, with lots of candles and other flammable objects.

Just... what the hell was this designer thinking???

I feel conflicted about these houses.  I keep expecting Woodsy Owl to come outside and yell at me when I walk past, and stare too long.

Interesting descriptor, but OK.

I realize this doesn't completely go with the theme, but well?  Elk BALLS!!!  And they are bronze!  Who would not love bronze balls?  I mean really...
When we used to drive past this statue, every day of the world, Ruby would always exclaim: "Look!  There's the statue of the elk!"

One day? She noticed that the elk was a boy, and the antlers had nothing to do with that.  I believe the question was: "Whoa. Why is the elk going poop?"

It was an educational day.