Sunday, October 13, 2013

Random, cool stuff...

From the west side, near the OHSU bank of large buildings.

Today, I tried to get some photos of the Ross Island Bridge.  It was VERY tricky.  Actually, this is my second attempt, and I'm still not absolutely thrilled with the results, thus far.  It's in a really complicated spot, and on the west side, there is a crap ton of construction in the way.  On the east side, you have 99W and it goes really fast, and ends up backed up to hell on weekdays, around the time I would WANT to shoot something there.

So, while I did get quite a few satisfactory shots, they were just... not quite right yet.  Going to try again sometime this week.  It's my second to last brige in this project I've been working on, and I've gotten really persnickety about details.  I want quality, and sometimes that takes more than one attempt to achieve.

Ah well...

Anyway, here are some photographs from my attempts.  I found lots of other interesting things to shoot while I contemplated my strategies for this damn bridge.

Bear with me...

I had to park VERY illegally to get even this shot from the West side.  I am thinking there is probably a rooftop garden I haven't yet found, that would offer a much better view than the south waterfront, because... well?  Fence.  And construction.  And meh.  Lots of... meh.

I even found this really neat platform, just under the tram cables.  I thought for sure I'd be able to do something from here...  but then I got distracted by the oncoming tram, and I got distracted by the oncoming tram.

A lot.

A lot distracted.


Why was I up there?  Oh yeah.  The bridge... the view of which?  Unfortunately blocked by this very ugly, rusty, white thing.

Oh well.  I guess I'll just watch this tram a little more.

Other stuff I could see from the very tall platform... the stairs of which?  Actually managed to fatigue my leg muscles by the time I reached the top.  Good job, stairs.  Way to be tall!

Tram Tower.

What exactly are we looking at here, Hedy?  Well, this is the door of the elevator, on the same platform.  The elevator was on the ground, and the shaft was vacant, so it is basically the inner elevator shaft, some cool art, located therein, and the bike parking area, across the street, seen through the whole thing, where there is another window on the other side, combined with part of my reflection.  Once the elevator came back up, I went into it, to see if I could see the bridge any easier.  Not so... but I got this cool shot, anyway.  I love that the bikes are resting right at my heart place.  Aww... I love you, bikes.

Tram, can I follow you home?

Sure, Hedy.

Here are just a couple I got of the Ross Island from the East Side.  I promise quite a few more with the Bridge Porn post on the other blog...

Just a few from one of my favourite buildings near Grand Ave.  It used to be The Rose, and Raindrop bar.  Now, it's a bank.  Sigh...

Dramatic tree is dramatic.


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